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Transnational Migration: A Two-Part Special Issue of Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints


Part 1, “Class Identity and Marital Intimacy”

Vol. 60, no. 2 (June 2012) carries ethnographies focusing on issues of social class and marital intimacies in Canada, Japan, the Ilocos, and Metro Manila. Here the contributors take the vantage point of either the origin or destination of migrants. At the origin, one author examines the tension felt by middle-class citizens of Metro Manila between desiring to emigrate and wanting to stay, while another probes seafarers’ wives in Ilocos Norte and how they deal with their husbands’ absence, particularly through fleeting but intimate modes of overseas communication.

At the destination, one author interrogates the various dimensions of social class as these pertain to Filipino migrants in Canada, while another investigates marital intimacy and how religion becomes a motif in marriages between Japanese men and Filipina migrants in Japan. In all cases, the dynamics are embedded in transnational networks of social ties that traverse state and geographic borders, connecting migrants and nonmigrants in both origin and destination.

Part 2, “Imperial and Personal Histories”

In vol. 60, no. 3 (Sept 2012), one author explores the transnational history behind the complex anti-Filipino riots in the US in the 1930s and its relationship to the Philippine independence movement. Another author analyzes the type of conventional history that is told in the homes of Filipino migrants to the US, which raises questions as to how Filipino American performance poets acquired the alternative history that is critical of the official narrative. A comparison with Puerto Rican homes in the US is made.

One author focuses on a group of migrants who were born in Okinawa of Filipino-Japanese parentage soon after the Second World War. Their families then moved to the Philippines where they were raised, but as adults they moved back to Okinawa. They have acquired Japanese citizenship but cannot speak the Japanese language, only English and Tagalog. Some were anti-Marcos activists who have found a haven in the US military bases in Okinawa.

Why did it take a dictator like Ferdinand Marcos to grant Philippine citizenship to ethnic Chinese in the Philippines? The history behind this complex development in the 1970s is revealed in an interview with Benito O. Lim, whose personal history intersects with the broad currents of history.

Get your copies now! Call us at 426-6001 local 4619 or send an email to philstudies@admu.edu.ph.

Feel free to visit the website at www.philippinstudies.net for the issues’ table of contents and other information. While on the Ateneo campus, these articles may be freely downloaded through the Rizal
Library’s subscription to Project Muse at http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/philippine_studies/#.

Thank you, and have a good read!

Posted: 2012-11-15



All articles and reviews published in Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints prior to 2007 are available at no cost. Online access to single issues and individual articles published since 2007 is available only to paid subscribers; nonsubscribers can access these articles for a fee. Please consult the terms and conditions for accessing the online edition of Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints.

Posted: 2012-11-12

Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints in Project MUSE

Starting with vol. 59, no. 1 (2011), Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints is now a part of Project MUSE. If your university's library subscribes to Project MUSE, then you can have full text, subscription access to the current content of Philippine Studies. Do check with your library now!  
Posted: 2012-11-12

CHED Endorses International Conference Participation


In a memorandum dated 5 October 2012, the Chairperson of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has endorsed the international conference on

Posted: 2012-11-09 More...

Commission on Higher Education Endorses PSHEV Journal Subscriptions


Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints has been declared by the Philippine Commission of Higher Education (CHED) Journal Accreditation Service as one of the CHED Accredited Research Journals for 2011 to 2014, under Category A-2.

In a memorandum dated 24 September 2012, the Chairperson of the CHED endorsed the journal for library subscription of all public and private higher education institutions in the Philippines.

Posted: 2012-10-29 More...